I feel so seen! I had the worst time being pregnant (physically and mentally). I was out of work for

6 months of my pregnancy and felt so inadequate. Didn’t realize how much I tied my “worth” to work and productivity. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for having another baby-you give me hope! Congrats on the book deal! I’ll be pre-ordering !

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Thanks so much, Joy! And I'm so glad I'm not alone with the pregnancy struggle.

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Thank you for sharing your heart, it’s always so meaningful. 💕

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Thank you for reading!

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Thank you so much for being open and honest with your pregnancy and postpartum! I can’t wait to hear more about your book when your maternity leave is over! Congratulations, on your adorable baby and on being done with pregnancy, which is not fun at all <3

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Thank you for taking the time to comment and for your kind words. :)

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Look at you, writing this absolutely beautiful prose! 🙌🏻 That go-go-go personality is finding its match in taking it easy, unhurriedly absorbing the moments - you've got this.

(Btw, writing a *brand new post* that describes the tension between wanting to be gentler with yourself yet feeling mediocre because you’re not achieving more is complexly meta :)

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Jenny, thank you! And you're very right about the meta-ness of it all, haha.

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Thank you for writing this. I’m 14 weeks into a pregnancy from hell (not sure what’s worse: the constant nausea and vomitting or the mental/emotional toll this takes). As a fellow freelancer, having to slow down feels devastating.

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Gah, I know your pain! I'm so sorry. Hope that you start to feel better soon.

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you’re so inspiring to me Ayana! It seems like you feel like you’re not doing enough these days but (in addition to the things you already know about having had a whole baby!) know that there are people out there amazed by how much and all that you do. congratulations on the new baby.

-from an ig fan :)

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Sonia, this is so kind! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. :)

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always glad to read whatever you write ayana! congratulations on your beautiful family <3

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Thank you for reading and for the kind words!

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